Take your legs out of hiding
gain back the confidence to show off your legs with Asclera®
Look to Asclera® for Treatment of Spider Veins
If you’re one of the estimated 30 million Americans1 with venous disease, you’re not alone.The good news is that thanks to Asclera® (pronounced uh-SKLAIR-uh), you may no longer need to feel self-conscious about showing your legs due to spider veins. Asclera® is an FDA-approved treatment used in a procedure called sclerotherapy. It’s administered in-office by a healthcare provider to treat two types of veins in the lower extremities:Uncomplicated spider veins (very small varicose veins ≤ 1 mm in diameter)Uncomplicated small varicose veins (1 to 3 mm in diameter) known as reticular veins.
Asclera® At-A-Glance
NON-SURGICAL:Administered in a provider’s office
RELIABLE:FDA-approved in the U.S. since 2010
CONVENIENT:A quick return to most activities
SATISFIED PATIENTS:87% of clinical study patients were satisfied or very satisfied
SIDE EFFECTS:In a clinical study, the most common side effect was temporary bruising
at the injection site
Consult - 30 minutes - $50
(amount will go towards procedure)
45 minutes - $200