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replace your everyday liner with

Permanent Eyeliner

Permanent Eyeliner Consult

15 minutes - $25

Permanent Eyeliner (Top)

2 hours - $250

Wing Eyeliner

2 hours - $300

Wing Eyeliner w/ Shading

2 hours - $315

get the

The perfect Winged Eyeliner

Before Your Treatment

One week prior to treatment, stop using any sensitizing skincare products (like retinol or glycolic acid) around the eye area Come in to your appointment with fresh cleaned skin free of any makeup. Our artist also recommends avoiding coffee on the day of your treatment to help you relax.

After Your Treatment

There is very little downtime after receiving eyeliner tattoo, and it's normal for the color to fade naturally within two to three weeks. If your skin feels sensitive along the lashes, you can apply some vaseline 1-2 times per day for one week to keep the area hydrated and prevent any further irritation. Avoid rubbing the eyes and wearing eye makeup until you feel comfortable doing so.