The Simply You Diet
Commit To A Healthier You
Something Different
Something New
Something Promising
Transform yourself with Simply You’s newest weight loss program:
The Simply You Diet. This diet program, in conjunction with an all-new medication, is sure to help you reach your weight loss goals in no time. With no BMI, heart rate or blood pressure requirements, the Simply You Diet is a great fit for anyone. Lastly,
there is no restriction on how long you can be on this medication – you can take it for as long as needed.
If you are ready to lose weight and keep it off for good, we have the proven methods & support you need to start seeing results today. Book your consultation today.
30 minutes - $25 (amount will go towards program)
The Medication
Naltrexone - An opioid receptor blocker. These receptors are
responsible for determining pleasure, reward, and habit formation.
Topiramate - Also known as Topamax, this medication is helpful in
controlling and reducing appetite without unwanted effects such as
increase in heart rate and blood pressure.
MIC - Methionine, Inositol and Choline. Methionine boosts
metabolism, while inositol helps shed the fat. Choline is responsible
for the metabolism of fats while also improving satiety.
30 minutes - $250 - New Patient
(medication sold separately - $150/month)