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Cynosure Laser Skin Treatment


The Cynosure Elite laser skin treatment tightens and firm the skin while improving overall texture. Much like IPL treatments, the Cynosure laser works by directing a beam of light directly into the skin and stimulating mass amounts of collagen. This increase in collagen helps in reducing the signs symptoms of aging skin. The Cynosure Elite laser is the newest skin tightening treatment available, its power far more outweighs that of intensed pulse light therapy (IPL), making it the treatment of choice for skin tightening especially on the areas of the face, neck, and chest.  IPL is still however used to treat mild skin irregularities.

How does the treatment differ from chemical peels and dermabrasion?

Unlike other treatments that remove an outer layer of skin and require significant healing time, laser treatment works by gently penetrating the skin. The outer skin itself is not damaged.

Is the treatment painful, how many treatments are required?

The treatment causes only minimal discomfort and initial soreness may resemble that of a mild sunburn or feeling of heat to the area. Typically several sessions are required for full-face, neck, and chest treatment. The average treatment takes about 30 minutes. Results may be seen after the first few treatments. Suggested treatment parameters are 3-6 treatments at 2 week intervals.

*Consultation required pre-treatment. Cost determined by area and treatment time.